
We are a local chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association based at Carroll County Regional Airport (Jack B. Poage Field) in Westminster, Maryland. Our mission is to connect aviation with the local community and to provide support to members of the aviation, homebuilt, and experimental communities. Please feel free to follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

4th Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RVs

For the fourth consecutive year, EAA Chapter 1384 is sponsoring the Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RV’s at the Carroll County Regional Airport (KDMW – Westminster, MD) on Saturday, June 18th (Rain Date – Sunday, June 19th). The event will start at 0930 and go until 1500.

While not mandatory, we encourage everyone to PRE-REGISTER at the following link: Pre-registration Link

Food and Drinks will be available, along FUN FOR EVERYONE! The event has been a GREAT SUCCESS the last three years:


Membership Picnic: July 12, 2015

We’re hosting a membership picnic that is open to all members, potential members, and guests. We’ll have hamburgers, hotdogs, and sodas available at no-charge. Please join us by the picnic tables located near the t-hangars. New members are especially welcome!


When: July 12, 2015 at 12:00pm

Where: KDMW, Grassy area between t-hangars and FBO

What: Free food, and hangar talk.

Contact: chapter@eaa1384.org

Third Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RVs


(Weather Status last updated @ 2015 hrs 9/18/2015)

We are all set for the Gathering! Tents and BBQ equipment is in place. We hope to see lots of RV folks fly in!

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EAA Chapter 1384 is sponsoring the Third Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RV’s at the Carroll County Regional Airport (KDMW – Westminster, MD) on Saturday, September 19th (Rain Date – Sunday, September 20th). The event will start at 1000 and go until 1400.

Food and Drinks will be available, along FUN FOR EVERYONE! The event has been a GREAT SUCCESS the last two years (see threads http://www.vansairforce.com/communit…ad.php?t=99800 and http://www.vansairforce.com/communit…d.php?t=112928), and we are expecting an even bigger turn out of RV’s this year! In fact, we think we can EASILY GET 100+ RV’s!

Not that we need to entice anyone to show up, but this year we are serving up the best BBQ in the area – the famous, Award Winning Red Brothers BBQ(http://www.redbrothersbbq.com) is selling their outstanding BBQ. These guys are no joke – they’ve won two 1st place awards for their ribs, and 2nd place for their chicken at a number of regional BBQ competitions.

At 1300, AOPA’s Senior Editor Dave Hirschman is giving a presentation on “Making Sense of ADS-B for the Experimental Aircraft Owner”.

New website under construction

Please pardon us as we update our website. New information for EAA Chapter 1384 will be posted soon including information concerning the Third Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RVs on September 19, 2015.

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